Basic Information Tab

Use the Basic Information tab to enter information about the expense type such code, description, wizard type, general options, and ceilings.

Screen Fields

Field Description
Expense Type Code

Enter a 10-character, uppercase, alphanumeric expense type code. Each code must be unique.


Enter up to 30 characters for an expense report type description. The description must be unique and should be as short as possible and properly capitalized because it is used in drop-down lists and as column headings for reports and inquiries.

Wizard Type

Use the drop-down list to select the wizard type that will be associated with this expense type. The wizard type drives such things as the Input Options, the voucher description, and the Other Lodging Expenses tab. The valid categories include Car Rental, Entertainment, Lodging, Meals, Mileage, Other, and Transportation. Once you save this field, you cannot change it.


Select this check box to make the expense type active and available for use on expense reports.

General Options

Field Description
Receipts Required Over

A receipt is required if the expense amount goes over the amount you enter here. If you enter 0.00, all expenses will require a receipt. If you do not want a receipt to be required for this expense type, enter a value such as 999999999. This is a required field.

Per Diem

The Per Diem check box is only available if the Wizard Type selected is Meals or Lodging.

Select this check box if this expense uses the per diem rates from the Manage Per Diem Schedules screen. After you select the Per Diem check box, the Type and Ceiling Calculation Based On drop-down lists are enabled.


This drop-down list is only available if you select the Per Diem check box and if the Wizard Type is either Meals or Lodging. Select the method for handling the per diem expenses, either Ceiling or Allowance.

  • Ceiling - If you select this option, the Expense module uses the per diem schedule as a guideline, and the employees enter what they actually spent. Anything over the per diem schedule amount is treated as over ceiling, which may or may not be reimbursed to the employees, depending on your selection in the Ceilings group box.
  • Allowance - If you select this option, the employees are reimbursed in accordance with the per diem rate from the Manage Per Diem Schedules screen, regardless of how much they actually spend. They are required to enter only the start and end dates of the expense, and the Expense module calculates the reimbursement based on the number of days/nights. The over ceiling setup is not used.
Ceiling Calculation Based On

This drop-down list is only available if you select the Per Diem check box and if the Wizard Type is either Meals or Lodging. Select whether you want to base the per diem ceiling calculation on Total of All Days or Each Day.

  • Total of All Days — If you select this option, Deltek Expense sums the meal amounts for the entire date range and compares that amount to the total ceiling amount for the same number of days. Choose this option if you want the ceiling applied to the net meal amount of the entire trip. This allows the employee to spend an amount under ceiling one day and over ceiling on another and be fully reimbursed, provided the total net expense does not exceed the ceiling.

    For example, if the ceiling amount is 50.00 dollars per day, the total ceiling amount for a two-day trip is 100.00 dollars. If the employee spends 40.00 dollars the first day and 60.00 dollars the second, the over ceiling amount is zero, because the calculation is based on the total expense of all the days combined, not the individual days within the date range.

Note: When Allowance is selected in the Type field, Ceiling Calculation Based On is disabled and the default value is Total of All Days.
  • Each Day — When you select this calculation method, Deltek Expense compares the amount spent each day to the ceiling amount per day. If the amount for a given day is less than that day's ceiling amount, the over ceiling amount is zero. However, if the amount for that day exceeds the ceiling, the amount is over ceiling.

    For example, on day one of the trip, the employee exceeds the ceiling by $10.00, so that amount is considered over ceiling. On day two, the employee is $10.00 short of the ceiling amount, so the over ceiling amount for that day is zero. If Total of all days was selected in this same scenario, there would be no over ceiling amount.

    Additionally, when the expense amount entered does exceed the ceiling, the Adjustment Explanation dialog box in the expense report now includes an Explanation field for each day.

Note: The Each Day option is not available if the expense type is configured to use two tier ceilings, or if it is configured as a Per Diem expense. If it is configured as Per Diem, Deltek Expense uses Total of All days to calculate the over ceiling amount.

For a more extended example of meal ceiling calculations, see Multiple Day Ceiling Calculation of Meals.

1099 Expense

Select this check box to use this expense type for 1099 reporting.

If you select this check box, the 1099 Type drop-down list displays.

Relocation Expense

Select this check box to use the expense type for relocation taxing on W-2s. If you select this check box, the Relocation Code field displays, allowing you to manually enter a relocation expense.

W-2 Item

Select this check box to include the expense type on W-2s. If you select this check box, theW-2 Code field displays, allowing you to manually enter a W-2 code.

Allow Date Edit Need definition here
Override Unit Rate

Select this check box to enable the user to override the rates set up for unit transactions.

Note: By selecting this check box, you also enable users to change the unit rate on the Manage Expense Authorization screen for this expense type.

This check box will be active only if the Wizard Type selected is Other.

Track Multiple Locations

Select this check box to allow association of expenses with this expense type to a specific trip leg or destination. This check box is automatically selected and disabled for per diem expense types.


Field Description
Over-Ceiling Rule

Use the drop-down list to select the over ceiling rule that applies to this expense type. The valid values are Reimburse and Non-Reimburse. If you select Reimburse, the user will be reimbursed for the entire expense regardless of the ceiling. If you select Non-Reimburse, the user will not be reimbursed for any amounts over the ceiling.

Note: The supervisor can override this setup when he approves or rejects the expense report.
Second Tier Ceiling

Select this check box if this expense type uses a second tier ceiling. This field is available only when the Over Ceiling Rule option is set to Reimburse.

Note: For example, your company uses government per diem rates for lodging. You track the amount spent on lodging under those rates, but allow your employees to exceed that ceiling by up to $300.00 per night. You would then select the Second Tier Ceiling check box and set a second tier ceiling of $300.00 on the Rates/Ceiling Subtask.
Require Over-Ceiling Explanation

Select this check box to require the user to explain why he went over the ceiling amount for the expense entered.